Join Prof. Etienne Cavaignac as he performs a revision technique on a 22-year-old patient suffering from a positive reverse pivot shift test.
- 22 Y.O male
- Activity: pivoting sports, tegner pre injury level 9
- Index surgery: PCL reconstruction with hamstrings autograft 2 years ago
- His complaints are pain and Sensation of instability
- On physical examination, he presents a positive posterior drawer test and a positive reverse pivot shift test. Collateral ligaments and PLC are normal.
What are the causes of the patient’s symptoms → Uncompetent PCL graft
In this case, the femoral tunnel is semi-anatomic and the tibial tunnel is too proximal and too medial
Failure rate of isolated PCL reconstruction: 11.6% 1
How would you manage this condition → 1 time PCL surgical revision
Revision of PCL reconstruction: satisfactory outcomes 2,3
What are the reasons of the patient’s condition → Poor placement of both PCL reconstruction’s tunnels
Cause of failure: Posterolateral rotatory instability and improper graft tunnels placement4
Final strategy decision: one stage revision
Pre-operative planning:
- Allograft bone plug in previous femoral tunnel and new femoral tunnel creation
- New anatomic tibial tunnel
- Allograft with tape augmentation
- Cortical fixation at femoral level and intra-tunnel fixation and back-up fixation at tibia level

- 1 Hammoud S, Reinhardt KR, Marx RG. Outcomes of posterior cruciate ligament treatment: a review of the evidence. Sports Med Arthrosc Rev. 2010 Dec;18(4):280-91. doi: 10.1097/JSA.0b013e3181eaf8b4. PMID: 21079509.
- 2 Fanelli GC, Fanelli MG, Fanelli DG. Revision Posterior Cruciate Ligament Surgery. Sports Med Arthrosc Rev. 2017 Mar;25(1):30-35. doi: 10.1097/JSA.0000000000000136. PMID: 28045871.
- 3 Chen YJ, Yang CP, Ho CS, Weng CJ, Chen AC, Hsu WH, Hsu KY, Chan YS. Midterm Outcomes After Revision Posterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction With a Single-Bundle Transtibial Autograft. Orthop J Sports Med. 2022 Aug 12;10(8):23259671221115423. doi: 10.1177/23259671221115423. PMID: 35990875; PMCID: PMC9382067.
- 4 Lee SH, Jung YB, Lee HJ, Jung HJ, Kim SH. Revision posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using a modified tibial-inlay double-bundle technique. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2012 Mar 21;94(6):516-22. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.K.00030. PMID: 22438000.
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